I have a few ideas I was wanting to pitch in regards to features I would love to see make it into the game.
Characters that are not human. Ever since purchasing Femdomination I have always wanted to have sex with the stone statues that guard the temple. It would be great to get a Halloween theme pack that would introduce all sorts of movie monsters as well. Perhaps a ghost, vampire, alien skins may make an appearance?
Random options for all scenes. I love the idea of not knowing what to expect, it keeps the games replay-ability. If you implemented a random stroke option for the launch and also offer a pause so people can try their hand at stamina training and holding off if they get too close to the edge, that would be fantastic.
Allowing custom videos from our library to be played in the background of a scene. This may need an entire scene for it, but to have a training video that would work the shaft while watching our favorite kinky films could add a variety to the game.
If I think of anything more, I will be sure to post. Keep up the good work.