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Author Topic: Proc Gen  (Read 12931 times)


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Proc Gen
« on: August 12, 2016, 03:50:41 PM »
I'm sadly on holiday at the moment so can't enjoy the splendours of Femdomination - but just reading through the store page has certainly whet my... Or just wet me as the case may be...  ;)

Anyway, Procedural Generation?

In addition to the 3 modes available, this would be a fourth mode based on tick boxes & randomization to provide a new surprise every time as to where the Dominatrix(es) may take the scene, whilst allowing potentially everything available at once - or more importantly - leaving out what might not be desired.

Succinctly put: User ticks all available kinks that interests him/her.
Game randomly picks an arbitrary amount of ticked options and assembles said scene, linking selected kinks.

That way the Dominatrix will show more personality through seemingly independemt actions - as on some occasions, the user may get denied (if ticked) or granted an organ, etc.



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Re: Proc Gen
« Reply #1 on: August 12, 2016, 04:34:33 PM »

Long answer short; This is our first game ever, we've learned a lot and when the scenes were designed, there was no roomscale concept or Vive. The upcoming scenes will look very different with advanced pathing and customization options (well, you can change everything :D)


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Re: Proc Gen
« Reply #2 on: August 12, 2016, 08:37:43 PM »
Just food for thought.

I'm simply glad such a game exists - and hopefully my contribution & others will prompt more additions to this area of development :D