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Author Topic: Help for the viveless?  (Read 12819 times)


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Help for the viveless?
« on: May 25, 2016, 04:06:08 PM »
I just recently downloaded both demos available for the public. However with one all I got when I opened it was a black screen and hearing a woman saying "Sit down, squeeze the trigger" Repeatedly. I figured this was for vive specifically so I didn't mind it.

The other demo I was able to play, I saw the environment and everything was working fine until I got to the room where I heard the woman's voice. Telling me to sit up straight and push the button when ready.

Now I have a barebones laptop that I tried to play with, no gamepad, no vive. And it said to push the f12 button on my keyboard but for some reason, this did not work. And I'm stuck staring at the text on screen. All the f12 button does is turn off airplane mode on my computer.

Can someone help? Am I doing something wrong? I want to get a vive and purchase the game in the future but I wanted to at least try this for now, so can I get some help?


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Re: Help for the viveless?
« Reply #1 on: May 29, 2016, 08:05:54 AM »

You can't run the Vive versions without the Vive. In order to run 2D you need the Rift version of the demos. Those spoken lines & f12 text are for centering the vr player. In the chair demo hitting f12 will also start the scene; the text should dissappear and scene starts from darkness.

Check that your function buttons doesn't require any key combinations.