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Author Topic: User Retro-fitted Scenes Idea  (Read 18710 times)


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User Retro-fitted Scenes Idea
« on: March 14, 2017, 02:09:30 AM »
Just a quick idea I thought I'd share:

So, I was thinking, those amazing scenes you guys have been producing each month on the Patreon, (for example the august 2016 scene) what about giving the users a way to access them from the femdomination temple?

I reckon if you created a basic environment of a long corridor (not unlike the one from the orientation scene) with lots of doors (left and right) each door could access a scene.

I know you have the main atrium for the main scenes, but this could be located as you enter the temple on the right hand side door.

No need to make anything too fancy, just let the user allocate the scenes to folders, which can then be accessed from the temple by a corresponding door that plays the scene.

Then simply provide and ESC function for when the player is done and it could return them to outside the temple (or wherever you get the jist).

This could be a way of adding more content to the Femdom game by re-utilizing assets you've already created.

You could call the corridor something like "Domina Trials". XD Okay so I'm not that creative when it comes to names.

Anywho, just a thought; perhaps you were already planning on implementing something like this, in which case: hell yes, do very much want! :3

Thanks again!


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Re: User Retro-fitted Scenes Idea
« Reply #1 on: March 17, 2017, 07:17:36 AM »

This is something we've been thinking, maybe doable later  on :)


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Re: User Retro-fitted Scenes Idea
« Reply #2 on: April 01, 2017, 06:32:54 PM »
I agree, keep your content together. It will add great value with a small effort. Making it the access point to all newly produced content will make it increasingly attractive and bind the users longer, also maybe an opening to creating some extra revenue, maybe the existing user base would be willing to pay very small amounts. But you could also consider adds for erotica if you have a decent amount of users, posters on the walls for instance. That's not too annoying or might even add something.

And have some people walking the halls to make the temple more lively.   


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Re: User Retro-fitted Scenes Idea
« Reply #3 on: April 02, 2017, 03:58:41 PM »
I agree, keep your content together. It will add great value with a small effort. Making it the access point to all newly produced content will make it increasingly attractive and bind the users longer, also maybe an opening to creating some extra revenue, maybe the existing user base would be willing to pay very small amounts. But you could also consider adds for erotica if you have a decent amount of users, posters on the walls for instance. That's not too annoying or might even add something.

And have some people walking the halls to make the temple more lively.

Absolutely, having NPC models populating the temple itself would be pretty cool; certainly a little more work involved for something like this, but it'd liven up the hub world significantly.