Hi there, first of all - WOW! Thank-you for what I can honestly say is the best VR experience I've had since getting my rift!
I've been into the scene for many years now; lifestyle, pro and filming and the experience you have created absolutely blew me away!
The nature of a femdom session, particularly ones involving restraint leads to an amazing sense of presence during the experience and your product is 2nd to none and truly unique in the marketplace.
Obviously I'm hoping to see you build on the FD system - I chewed through the scenes in FD in no time and have also subscribed to your Patreon. The scenes you have shared there are fantastic and I hope to see them expanded and integrated into the FD product.
Moving forward there's going to be a lot of competition in the vanilla Virtual Sex software market - especially when the likes of illusion get their act together and release proper vr support for titles like honey select, so I hope you stay true to your core femdom theme where you own the market!
Thanks again - I look forward to seeing what the future holds! =)