Amoreon > Feature requests



I love to see an Electro option in Scene when the Dom comes out and puts a Estim device in the dick and then she has the power box and continues to "give it to you"  I imagine it would be pretty popular with some crowds.

Just putting it out there. 

Good idea. This will my wish too. The next step, I think, would be an additional tool to use (for example) your Erostek 312b with your new game. How does it work ? With the Erostek you can write your own programms for electricaldevices. But the easier way would be the "sound" mode. How did this work ? You can connect your erostek to the sound and some a bass or high sounds will send to your erostek (maybe in the background sound) ...and then your erostek will work allone meanwhile you´re running a scene maybe in a clinic....wuoooh this will be amazing!!


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